Nowadays there are no diplomatic legations of Turkmenistan in Italy. Therefore in case of need it is necessary to apply to General Con-sulate of Turkmenistan in Paris. Its address is:
General Consulate of Turkmenistan
rue Picot, 13 F
Tel. 0033.1.47550536
75116 Paris
Fax 0033.1.47550568 France
In the same way there are no
Italian diplomatic legations in Turk-menistan. Similarly, in case of need, it is advisable to apply to Gene-ral Consulate of Italy in Moscow,
whose address is:
Consolato Generale d'Italia
Denezhnyj pereulok, 5
Tel. 007.095.7969691 120002 Moskva
Fax 007.095.2539289
For information of commercial character and in general for obtaining assistence in carrying on economic activities
in the country it is pos-sible to apply to:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan
B. Kariev, 17
Tel. 00993.12.354594 744000 Ashgabat
Fax 00993.12.355381 Turkmenistan